How To Take Care Of Your HVAC Unit

Do you go to the doctor for a yearly checkup? Our bodies need food and water to keep going, rest to recharge us, and professional assistance for checkups and medical matters. Our AC units are the same way! Of course, HVAC units are not people. You don’t have to leave a dinner plate out for the AC. However, you do have to make sure that it gets the right fuel and checkups so that it keeps running. Otherwise, it can wear out on you, leaving you roasting in the summertime and with a big repair bill.

Have you ever been to the doctor about a medical issue and they say “Why did you wait so long to come to the doctor?”. It’s easy to push off procedures or medical appointments, but unfortunately, it can lead to a small issue getting worse. The same goes for your HVAC system. With regular maintenance, it can run well for years. But if you ignore funny smells, odd noises, and reduced performance, there could be an issue with your system that is only getting worse.

How To Take Care Of Your HVAC Unit

Here’s what you can do to take care of your HVAC unit today:

  • Clear a two-foot space around all outdoor units
  • Keep the unit clear of dirt, leaves, falling branches, etc.
  • Purchase and install a high-efficiency pleated air filter

Carefully look at your HVAC ducts for cracks and holes, which can cause a significant loss in heat/coolingWe recommend having an HVAC professional come out to inspect your unit twice a year to make sure your filters have been changed, clean soot off burners, clean the condenser coil, and check the various components of your system including electrical connections, thermostat, indoor and outdoor coils, condensation drain/pump, and more. This regular service can help keep your AC unit running smoothly and alert you if there are any potential issues. PECO’s Planned Maintenance Agreement guarantees you receive this service twice yearly as well as 10% off all repairs, no after-hours charges, and priority service. Contact us today to discuss your AC unit’s checkup!