Lennox Pure Air

The past year has amplified how disease spreads in contained indoors. We all learned profoundly serious lessons in the importance of sanitizing commonly used surfaces, wearing masks, and the very air we breathe. 

For years PECO has recommended quality HVAC systems and regularly changing air filters to reduce contaminants in the air such as pollen, dust, mold spores, and pet dander. A high-functioning heating and cooling unit keeps your air cleaner and healthier, helping to reduce the impact of allergies and cut down the dust in your home. 

With the spread of COVID-19, the need to remove contaminants from the air has only intensified. That’s why we are so excited about the latest news from Lennox, a top-quality HVAC manufacturer, releasing the PureAir™ and PureAir™ S Air Purification Systems. When used with the Lennox Healthy Climate™ Carbon Clean 16® air filter, these heating and cooling units remove over 99% of the virus that causes COVID-19 from the air!

We have all missed spending time with family and friends. Make this summer fun and safe by investing in technology that scrubs the air. These PureAir™ systems are created for residential use, yet they have medical-grade filtration that removes 99% of virus particles such as the common cold, influenza, and the virus that causes COVID-19. 

Learn more about these new systems from Lennox >>> here. Want to discuss air filtration for your home or business? Let’s talk!